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Our Trip to Belgium!

It's a strange feeling, to finally being able to see your family after two long years.

Never in my life have I thought that I would stay this long without seeing them.

I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the time lost. I hate it. But as always, with things you can't change, you might as well accept them and move on, right?

SO, I finally went back home!! WITH MY HUSBAND! Which was honestly, the best feeling in the world.

We arrived early Sunday morning at the Zaventem Airport after a super easy and pleasant flight with United Airlines. My brother-in-law was supposed to come to pick us up, alone, to get us to my sister's house where everyone would have breakfast together.

I was NOT expecting everyone to wake up at the crack of dawn to greet us with banners and signs at the airport. My heart melted and cried like a baby as soon as I saw my mom's face.

This is was the sweetest surprise.

I showed David around my hometown and all the places that were special to me.

The next day we manage to go to the city center to visit La Grande Place, The Mennekenpis, and all other famous Brussels landmarks. And he loved it all!

We also got to the North Sea, we saw my cousin, Angelique, we visited the chocolate museum, went to Waterloo to see Napoleon's museum and the Lion's mount, did tour a brewery, visited Bruges, got officially married at Church (more on that later), celebrated my mom's 60th birthday, crashed my sister & brother-in-law's 17th-anniversary celebration, visited castles, got a big dinner with friends and family where we sang our hearts out, and so so much more.

That trip was nothing but magical from start to finish.

But let's do the pictures do the talking here...

Stay tuned for our Bruges & wedding pictures!

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