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EN version below!

Ikigai est un outil pour trouver son équilibre, l'équivalent japonais de la « joie de vivre » et de la « raison d'être ».

On peut voir ikigai comme un outil qui nous permet de faire le point et nous donne une ligne directrice. Trouver son ikigai, c’est trouver un meilleur équilibre de vie.

Si vous vous sentez perdue, confuse, manquez de motivation, de joie et de plaisir dans votre vie de tous les jours, la méthode ikigai peut alors vous aider à analyser la situation et trouver des solutions.

Quatre éléments. L’ikigai se situe à la croisée des chemins entre:

  • Plaisir | Ce que j’aime faire

  • Talent | Ce dans quoi je suis doué.e

  • Besoin | Ce dont le monde a besoin

  • Revenus | Ce pourquoi je suis payé.e

On comprend alors pourquoi trouver son ikigai, c’est génial!

Imprimez le petit graphique ci-dessous ou tracez le votre a l'aide d'un bic et d'une feuille et definissez votre petit shema du bonheur!

N'hesitez pas a partager vos passions et resultats!!

I know how important it is to you to find your purpose in life and do meaningful work that lights you up!

This is where your Ikigai comes in...

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that essentially means 'reason for being'.

Ikigai is the feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment when people pursue their passions. Activities that generate the feeling of ikigai are not forced; they are perceived as being spontaneous and undertaken willingly, and thus are personal and depend on a person's inner self.

It's your Purpose / your Why / your Raison d'etre...and it's powerful!

If you've ever felt lost, stuck, like you accidentally fell into your career or life, and you feel like it's time for a pivot, it can be REALLY useful for finding direction.

When you know your ikigai, you can be laser-focused on your goals because you know what would feel most meaningful to you.

Your personal brand, job applications, and networking strategy become highly targeted as you take aligned action to get where you want to go!

I know that if you don't know what your ikigai is, your ikigai is to find your ikigai! Ha! But for real.

Print the example above or make your own with a piece of paper and a pen and figure your purpose out!

I would love to hear about your passions & purpose; tell me everything about it!

Xo, Julie

11Golden Sunset Photo Making Memories Quote Instagram Post.jpg

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